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571711 GAMAZYME 700FN 12KG

Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN is a concentrated biologically active powder formulation containing a blend of patented bacterial strains, specifically developed to deal with sewage wastes. Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN 是一種濃縮的生物活性粉末配方 ,含有專利細菌菌株的混合物 ,專門用於處理汙水廢物 。

Product information

This product supersedes product no: 79136

Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN is formulated to degrade excess residual waste products in shipboard sanitation pipe work systems, holding tanks and marine sewage treatment plants. The specialised strains in Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN will digest grease, fats, sewage, starch and other organic compounds. The degradation of paper, protein and waste product residuals is greatly increased, and the odours that these produce, are reduced.

The bacteria in Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN will colonise the waste organic material which lines the pipework/tank system and degrade the waste until the system is clean. The biological activity in the marine sewage treatment plant is greatly increased, so the plant can thus handle more waste. The obnoxious smells in toilet areas and scuppers, normally associated with overloaded or blocked systems, are reduced.


  • Powder formulation for easy use
  • Biodegradable
  • Reactivates biological activity in systems which have been rendered inactive by overloading, washout or use of aggressive cleaning products
  • Eliminates the need for hazardous chemicals
  • Cost-effective, saves time, money and manpower


  • Eliminates the odours associated with sanitary systems which are overloaded or blocked
  • Cleans sewage holding tanks without the need for manual entry
  • Clears pipes and systems blocked by organic waste matter
  • Clears organic materials in slow draining pipes and scuppers
  • Restarts septic sewage treatment plant
  • Keeps complete sanitary systems in optimum operational condition


Directions for use

Dosing method

Sewage treatment plant
Direct dosing to the sewage treatment plant or via the nearest toilet will greatly enhance the biological activity and keep the plant at peak operating efficiency.

A) On ships except passenger vessels Ineffective or septic sewage treatment can be reactivated and maintained in peak operating efficiency by dosing Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN direct in the tank or via the nearest toilet. To reactivate the plant, 1kg Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN should be mixed with 10-15 litres of hand hot (35°C) fresh water, left for 10-15 minutes (stirring periodically) for the bacteria to activate before dosing into the tank daily until the system is operating efficiently. Maintenance dosing of 0.1 - 0.25kg weekly will keep the system operating effectively. Replacing the toilet cleaner in use by Unitor™ Gamazyme™ BTC (biological toilet cleaner) will dose millions of specialised bacteria into the system. These powerful bacteria will digest organic material lining the pipes and boost the bacterial activity in the sewage treatment plant, keeping it operating at peak efficiency.

B) On passenger vessels
The applications is the same as mentioned above, but the dose rates are different.

The dose rate depends on the number of people on board the vessel. As a rule of thumb use 50 gram per m3 of the volume of the sewage tank. Then a weekly dosage of 10 gram per m3 of the volume of the sewage tank.

An example of a cruise vessel with a sewage tank on 100 m3 and 2500 people and on a two weeks cruise. What is the consumption of Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN?

Initial dosage: (50 g/m3 x 100 m3 ):1000 = 5kg
Weekly dosage: (10 g/m3 x 100 m3 ):1000 x 2 weeks = 2kg On this cruise, will be used. 7kg of Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN

Tank cleaning
Holding tanks can be cleaned periodically or prior to entry without the use of dangerous toxic chemicals.

Grey and black water holding tanks, sewage tanks, sewage treatment plant should be flooded and pumped empty to clear excess soil before cleaning. Holding tanks must be fitted with an air manifold connected to a low pressure air line of sufficient volume to gently turn the mass of water within the tank. In sewage treatment tanks the normal air supply will suffice.
The tank should be filled to 75% capacity with fresh or sea water and the air supply turned on. Approximately 0.5kg of Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN in 5 to 10 litres of fresh hand hot (35°C) water should be mixed and left for 10-15 minutes before dosing into the tank. Dosing can be either direct or via the nearest toilet. The tank should then be filled and left with the air on for at least 48 hours. The dose rate should be approximately 0.5kg per 500 litres tank capacity with a minimum dose of 5kg. Although Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN is formulated for use in cold (15°C minimum) sea water, performance will improve with lukewarm (35°C) fresh water or sea water.

Pipe cleaning
Maintenance dosing will keep galley and sewage pipes clean and clear of organic residual wastes.

A liquid solution should be prepared by mixing of 0.5 kg of Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN in 15 to 20 litres of hand hot (35°C) fresh water. Stir it and, if possible, leave for 15 minutes to reactivate the bacteria. Whilst constantly agitating this solution, 1 litre should be dosed into sinks, scuppers, showers, drains, waste disposal units, etc. each evening until the blockage is cleared. A maintenance dose once or twice a week can then be applied to keep the pipes in clean condition. Harsh toxic cleaners (acids, caustics, disinfectants) should not be used as these will kill off the bacterial action in the pipes. Alternatively, the pipes should be isolated and filled with the solution and left for up to 48 hours before draining. If necessary, further applications should be made until drains run clear.

NOTE: Severly scaled systems should be acid cleaned.





重新激活因過載 ,衝洗或使用侵蝕性清潔產品而變得無效的係統中的生物活性


具有成本效益 ,節省時間,金錢和人力








Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN 的配方可降解船上衛生管道工作係統 ,儲艙和海洋汙水處理廠中過量的殘餘廢物 。Unitor™Gamazyme™700FN中的專用菌株將消化油脂 ,脂肪 ,汙水 ,澱粉和其他有機化合物 。

紙張 ,蛋白質和廢品殘留物的降解大大增加 ,並且這些產生的氣味減少 。

Unitor™ Gamazyme™ 700FN中的細菌將定殖管道/艙係統中的廢棄有機物質並降解廢物 ,直至係統清潔 。海洋汙水處理廠的生物活性大大增加 ,因此植物可以處理更多的廢物 。令人討厭的在廁所區域和通常與過載或阻塞係統相關的排水孔中的氣味減少 。


Product Number                           Product name

571711                                       GAMAZYME 700FN 12KG




指導給汙水處理廠或通過最近的廁所將大大提高生物活性並使工廠保持最高運行效率 。

A) A)在客船以外的船舶上通過在水箱中或通過最近的馬桶加入Unitor™Gamazyme™700FN指導 ,可以重新激活無效或化糞池汙水處理並保持最高運行效率 。為了重新激活植物 ,1kg Unitor™Gamazyme™700FN應與10-15升手熱(35°C)淡水混合 ,放置10-15分鍾(定期攪拌) ,使細菌在加入水槽前激活每天直到係統有效運行 。每周0.1-0.25kg的維護劑量將使係統有效運行 。更換Unitor™Gamazyme™BTC(生物廁所清潔劑)使用的馬桶清潔劑將使數百萬種特殊細菌進入係統 。這些強大的細菌將消化管道內的有機物質 ,增強汙水處理廠的細菌活性 ,使其保持最高效率 。


應用與上述相同 ,但劑量率不同 。

劑量率取決於船上人數 。根據經驗 ,每立方米汙水池使用50克 。然後每立方劑量為每立方米汙水池10克 。


100立方米和2500人 ,並在兩周巡航 。Unitor™Gamazyme™


初始劑量 :(50g / m 3×100m 3) :1000 = 5kg

每周劑量 :(10g / m3×100m3) :1000×2=

2kg在這次巡航中 ,將使用 。7kg Unitor™Gamazyme™700FN


Cleaning Chemicals

Gamazyme Cleaners MARINE CHEMICALS


可以定期或在進入之前清潔艙 ,而無需使用危險的有毒化學品 。

灰色和黑色的水容器 ,汙水池 ,汙水處理廠應該被淹沒並抽空 ,以清除多餘的土壤 ,然後再進行清潔 。保溫罐必須安裝一個空氣歧管 ,該空氣歧管連接到足夠容積的低壓空氣管路 ,以輕輕轉動水箱內的水 。在汙水處理池中 ,正常的空氣供應就足夠了。

應使用新鮮水或海水將水箱填充至75%容量 ,並打開空氣供應 。


0.5kg Unitor™Gamazyme™700FN510升新鮮手熱(35°C)水中混合並放置10-15分鍾 ,然後加入罐中 。劑量可以是指導或通過最近的廁所 。然後應該裝滿水箱並讓空氣開啟至少48小時 。劑量率應為每500升容器容量約0.5kg ,最小劑量為5kg 。


維護劑量將保持廚房和汙水管道清潔 ,並清除有機殘餘廢物 。

應通過在1520升手熱(35℃)淡水中混合0.5kg Unitor TM Gamazyme TM 700FN來製備液體溶液 。攪拌 ,如果可能的話 ,離開15分鍾以重新激活細菌 。在不斷攪拌這種解決方案的同時 ,每天晚上應將1升裝入水槽 ,排水管 ,淋浴器 ,排水管 ,廢物處理裝置等 ,直到堵塞被清除 。然後可以施加每周一次或兩次的維持劑量以使管道保持清潔 。不應使用嚴酷的有毒清潔劑(酸 ,腐蝕劑 ,消毒劑) ,因為這些會殺死管道中的細菌 。或者 ,應將管道隔離並用溶液填充 ,然後在排水前放置48小時 。如有必要 ,應進一步申請 ,直到排水管暢通無阻為止 。

注意: Severly縮放係統應酸洗 。


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