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Unitor™ Seaclean Plus™ is a modern low-toxic, biodegradable solvent based product. This product is excellent as a tank cleaner and degreaser. UNITOR™ Seaclean Plus™ 是一種現代低毒性 ,可生物降解溶劑型產品 。它符合IMO關於化學品安全和汙染危害的要求 。該產品作為罐清潔劑和脫脂劑非常出色 。

Product information

This product supersedes product no: 571406

Unitor™ Seaclean Plus™ meets IMO's requirements regarding safety and pollution hazards of chemicals.


  • The emulsifying agents in this product are biodegradable
  • Does not contain nonylphenol ethoxylates or other estrogenic compounds
  • Versatile, can be used for a wide range of applications
  • Easy to use by any conventional means
  • Can be used for cleaning and gas-freeing of double bottom, deep, and fuel oil tanks at sea
  • Can also be used for cleaning and gas-freeing of crude and refined mineral oil cargo tanks
  • Can be used for degreasing and cleaning of bilge spaces and engine rooms
  • Safe to use on most metal surfaces, painted surfaces and tank coatings


  • Highly concentrated tank cleaner with quick penetration and powerful emulsifying properties
  • Easy rinse off, leaving clean and oil-free surfaces
  • Economical, very low dosage rates



Product name Product number
654715 (supersedes 571406)


Unitor™ Seaclean Plus™ has been evalsuated by the BLG Working Group on the evalsuation of Safety and Pollution Hazards of Chemicals (ESPH) and found to meet the requirements of paragraph 13.5.2 of the MARPOL Annex II and is consolidated into annex 10 of the MEPC.2/Circular. * This composition meets the criteria for not being harmful to the marine environment according to MARPOL Annex V and may be discharged into the sea when used to clean cargo holds and external surfaces on ships.


Directions for use

Direct injection method - for tank cleaning machines
The dose rate should be between 0.1-0.2% i.e.1-2 litres per ton wash water.

Recirculation method - for tank cleaning machines
It is advised to use a solution of 0.1-0.2% i.e. 1-2 litres per ton wash water mixed in the tank to be cleaned.

Dose rates and results will vary depending on contamination, the temperature of the cleaning solution, and number of tanks to be cleaned with the solution. Best results are obtained when water is heated to a temperature between 65-80°C.

Spot cleaning
UNITOR™ Seaclean Plus™ can be sprayed neat onto tank surfaces to be cleaned. The contact time should be at least 30 minutes. Bulkheads/walls can be washed down by use of tank washing machines or high pressure cleaning machines. The best result is achieved with hot water between 60-80°C. Slops should be constantly stripped from the tank and transferred to a holding tank or pumped ashore to slop tanks.

Rock and Roll method

  1. Cleaning of double bottom tanks during voyages.
  2. Heat the remaining fuel in the tank, trimming the vessel as required to assist in stripping tank.
  3. Flush tank with sea water, stripping constantly.
  4. After flushing, ensure all suction and discharge valves in the engine room are closed.
  5. Dose tank with UNITOR™ Seaclean Plus™ through the sounding pipe or manhole between 0.5 - 1 litre per ton of water, for 75-80% of capacity of tank to be cleaned.
  6. Fill tank to 25% capacity with sea water, raise the temperature up to 60°C and maintain this for 24 hours.
  7. Top up tank to 75-80% capacity with sea water and continue to heat for 48-72 hours.
  8. Discharge and strip tank. Fill to 50-60% capacity with sea water and allow 2 hours rinsing time.
  9. Discharge tank and strip, flushing tank with sea water for 2 hours, stripping continuously. When completed, inspect tank to ascertain if second cleaning is required. If so:
  10. Add second dose of UNITOR™ Seaclean Plus™, fill tank to 75-80% capacity with sea water and raise the temperature to 60°C maximum. Maintain this for 48-72 hours. In calm seas recirculate the solution in tank as long as possible.
  11. Discharge and strip tank, flush with sea water, stripping continuously for 2 hours. To gas-free, fill tank with sea water to overflow through vents and sounding pipes, discharge and strip completely.

Rock and Roll cleaning dosage chart

Fuel Oil Viscosity Centistokes at 50 degrees celsius SEACLEAN PLUS per ton of water 1st Stage SEACLEAN PLUS per ton of water 2nd Stage
180 to 320 1 litre 0.75 litre
30 to 180 0.75 litre -
Over 320 1 litre 1 litre
Up to 30 0.5 litre -

Degreasing Marine Diesel Engine Cooling Water Systems

(This method can only be used when engine is out of service)

  1. Drain the cooling system and flush with water.
  2. Refill engine with water adding 20 litres Unitor™ Seaclean Plus™ per 1000 litres cooling water.
  3. Circulate the solution through the system and heat until a temperature of about 60°C.
  4. Continue circulation of the solution through the system for a minimum of 5 hours.
  5. Drain engine and check the cleaning result. Repeat cleaning procedure if necessary.
  6. When cleaning is completed, drain the system, and thoroughly flush with clean water. Refill while adding an anticorrosion treatment such as NALFLEET™ Rocor NB Liquid™

UNITOR™ Seaclean Plus™ can also be used for local cleaning and degreasing in engine rooms and on deck. It can be applied by brush, hand spray, immersion soaking or any other conventional means. Apply undiluted onto soiled surfaces and allow a contact time of 15-30 minutes before rinsing off with water.

Soak method
Immerse heavily soiled parts into bath of undiluted UNITOR™ Seaclean Plus™, medium to light soiled parts may be cleaned in a 10-30% solution in water. Parts should be soaked for at least 30 minutes before washing off with water.

Spray method
Spray UNITOR™ Seaclean Plus™ undiluted onto soiled areas. Allow between 15-30 minutes of penetration time before rinsing off with water.





多功能 ,可用於廣泛的應用


可用於海上雙層底 ,深層和燃油艙的清潔和除氣



可安全用於大多數金屬表麵 ,塗漆表麵和艙內塗層


高度濃縮的罐式清潔劑 ,具有快速滲透和強大的乳化性能

易於衝洗 ,留下幹淨無油的表麵

經濟 ,極低的劑量率


UNITOR™ Seaclean Plus™ 已經過BLG工作組評估化學品安全和汙染危害評估(ESPH) ,


直接注射方法- 用於艙清洗機

劑量率應在0.1-0.2%之間 ,即每噸洗滌水1-2升 。

再循環方法- 用於罐清洗機

議使用0.1-0.2%的溶液 ,即每噸洗滌水1-2升混合在待清洗的艙中 。

劑量率和結果將根據汙染物 ,清潔溶液的溫度以及用溶液清潔的罐的數量而變化 。當水被加熱到65-80℃之間的溫度時獲得最佳結果 。


UNITOR™ Seaclean Plus™ 可以整潔地噴灑在待清潔的罐表麵上 。聯係時間應至少為30分鍾。可以使用洗艙機或高壓清洗機衝洗艙壁/牆壁 。使用60-80°C的熱水可獲得最佳效果 。應不斷地從槽中剝離汙泥並將其轉移到儲罐或泵送到岸上以進入汙水池 。


1. 在航行期間清潔雙層底艙 。

2. 加熱艙中的剩餘燃料 ,根據需虹吸原理將艙底髒汙吸出至另一空艙.

3. 用海水衝洗水箱 ,不斷剝離 。.

4. 衝洗後 ,確保機艙內的所有吸入和排出閥都關閉 。

5. 配有UNITOR™Seaclean Plus™的艙 ,通過每噸水混合UNITOR™Seaclean Plus™ 0.5-1 公升 ,經側深管或人孔投入 ,可以

清洗75-80%的罐容量 。

6. 用海水將艙裝至25%容量 ,將溫度升至60°C並保持24小時 。

7. 用海水將艙加滿至75-80%的容量 ,並繼續加熱48-72小時 。

8. 清艙 。用海水填充50-60%的容量 ,並允許2小時的漂洗時間 。

9. 清艙,用海水衝洗水箱2小時 ,連續剝離 。完成後 ,檢查水箱以確定是否需要第二次清潔 。如果是這樣 :

10. 添加第二劑UNITOR™Seaclean Plus™ ,用海水將容器填充至75-80% ,並將溫度升至最高60°C 。保持這一點48-72小時 。在平靜的海洋中 ,盡可能長時間地將溶液再循環到艙中 。

11. 用海水衝洗 ,連續剝離2小時 。為了無氣體 ,用海水填充水箱通過通風口和探管溢流 ,完全排出和剝離 。


SEACLEAN PLUS每噸水第1階段          SEACLEAN PLUS每噸水第2階段

Over 320 1 litre                           1 litre

30 to 180 0.75 litre                       -

Up to 30 0.5 litre                         -

有關各種類型貨物的完整清潔說明 ,請參閱UNITOR™ Tank Cleaning Manual™ 。



1. 排空冷卻係統並用水衝洗 。

2. 1000升冷卻水加入20UNITOR™Seaclean Plus™ ,再加水 。

3. 將溶液循環通過係統並加熱至約60℃的溫度 。

4. 繼續使溶液循環通過係統至少5小時 。

5. 排空發動機並檢查清潔效果 。必要時重複清潔程序 。

6. 清潔完成後 ,排空係統 ,並用清水徹底衝洗 。在添加抗腐蝕處理時重新填充 ,例如UNITOR™

Dieselguard NB™UNITOR™Rocor NB Liquid™ 。

UNITOR™Seaclean Plus™還可用於發動機室和甲板上的局部清潔和脫脂 。它可以通過刷塗 ,手噴 ,浸泡或任何其他常規方法施用 。在未經稀釋的情況下塗抹在汙染的表麵上 ,接觸時間為15-30分鍾 ,然後用水衝洗幹淨 。


將嚴重汙染的部件浸入未稀釋的UNITOR™Seaclean Plus™浴中 ,中等至輕度汙染的部件可在10-30%的水溶液中清洗 。在用水衝洗之前 ,應將部件浸泡至少30分鍾 。


噴塗UNITOR™Seaclean Plus™未稀釋到汙染區域 。在用水衝洗之前允許15-30分鍾的滲透時間。


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